On January 27, 2022, the San Diego FBA held its Eighth Annual Ethics, Competence, and Elimination of Bias All-Day MCLE Event. The event featured six webinars. Participation in the all-day event allowed attendees to obtain a total of 4 credit hours for ethics, 1 credit hour for competence, and 1 credit hour for elimination of bias. The programs were moderated by President Dylan Aste and Vice President of Legal Education Kim Gregg, and featured the below speakers and presentations.
Veracity—Our Obligation of Candor to Clients (Ethics)
Shelly Skinner and Edward McIntyre, San Diego County Bar Association (SDCBA) Ethics Committee

Veracity—Our Obligation of Candor to Courts (Ethics)
Alara Chilton and Jeff Michalowski, SDCBA Ethics Committee
Lawyers, Substance Use Disorders and Wellbeing (Competence)
Greg Dorst, The Other Bar
Veracity—Our Obligation of Candor to Opposing Parties & Third Parties (Ethics)
Deborah Wolfe and Charles Berwanger, SDCBA Ethics Committee
Making the Unconscious Conscious (Elimination of Bias)
Carolina Bravo-Karimi, Wilson Turner Kosmo LLP

The event was co-sponsored by the Imperial County Lawyers Association. The written materials are available here:https://www.fbasd.org/cle-materials.
The San Diego FBA thanks the panelists for volunteering their time and sharing their expertise with the community. The San Diego FBA also thanks VP of Legal Education Kim Gregg for organizing this all-day event.