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How to Apply to be a U.S. Magistrate Judge

Updated: Feb 1, 2022

On January 18, 2022, the San Diego FBA hosted "How to Apply to be a U.S. Magistrate Judge.” Pursuant to the Southern District of California’s General Order 735, there is an open U.S. Magistrate Judge position due to Judge Linda Lopez’s confirmation as a district court judge.

Nadia P. Bermudez, Chair of the Merit Selection Panel, and Joseph S. Leventhal, Member of the Merit Selection Panel, provided an overview of the panel’s duties and the application review process for the magistrate judge position. United States Magistrate Judges Allison H. Goddard and Daniel E. Butcher shared their experiences regarding the application process and discussed the duties of their position. FBA President-Elect Mary Cile Glover-Rogers moderated the panel.

With nearly 160 participants, the panelists answered several audience questions and provided invaluable guidance on how to be a competitive applicant. Written materials are available here and the recording is below.


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