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Member Spotlight: Kasha Castillo

Alexandra Wallin

By Alexandra Wallin*

A photo of Kasha Castillo, Executive Director of Federal Defenders of San Diego, Inc.
Kasha Castillo, Executive Director of Federal Defenders of San Diego, Inc.

Kasha Castillo became the Executive Director of Federal Defenders of San Diego, Inc. in 2021—an accomplishment her childhood self hadn’t even dreamed of. Kasha was raised in Portland, Oregon, by her mother, a registered nurse, and her father, a minor league baseball coach. Even with no attorneys in her family, Kasha knew from a young age she wanted to be a criminal defense attorney. At the time, she could not explain why she yearned for this calling, she just felt it. “There was no explanation, I just knew I wanted to be a criminal defense lawyer,” she said. But Kasha knew the driving forces in her life: showing empathy for others and helping those who are vulnerable.


Kasha was intrigued by the psychology of those who found themselves inside the criminal justice system. While studying criminal justice and psychology at the University of Portland, Kasha interned for the juvenile gang unit for Multnomah County probation. She worked with young children in vulnerable and difficult situations. She often reflected that many of the children were stuck on that course because they were not given access to other opportunities. Kasha saw the need to try and do work that could help change that narrative. During her time with the unit, Kasha dedicated herself to the children she worked with—routinely going the extra mile to drive the kids to school to ensure they did not violate probation. Although demanding, the job was incredibly rewarding and solidified her desire to become a criminal defense attorney. She knew she wanted to help vulnerable individuals stay out of the criminal justice system, not put them in. The job struck at her guiding principles: empathizing with and helping others.


Kasha wanted to leave Oregon for law school, then return after graduation. But something threw her off her well-planned path: she fell in love with San Diego. She went to University of San Diego for law school and has not left since. During her time at the University of San Diego School of Law, Kasha put herself on the path she envisioned from grade school: becoming a criminal defense attorney and a trial lawyer. Kasha recalls taking a trial advocacy class taught by a state public defender. She was captivated by the professor’s trial skills and dedication to the work. She saw these traits in herself, and it reaffirmed her desire to practice criminal defense.


After graduating law school, Kasha worked for nine months at a private practice criminal defense firm doing state appellate work. Yearning for more training and trial experience, Kasha applied to Federal Defenders of San Diego. Kasha joined Federal Defenders knowing that the opportunity would provide her with exceptional training and a trove of courtroom experience. The transition proved fruitful. Kasha joined Federal Defenders in December 2000, and it has been her home ever since. Kasha has spent her career dedicated to representing indigent clients in all stages of federal prosecution. Before becoming the Executive Director, Kasha was in various other roles within her office, including Trial Attorney, Trial Team Supervisor, and the Director of Training.


Kasha had many significant experiences as she worked her way up to her current leadership position at Federal Defenders. Kasha will always remember her first co-defendant trial as a moment that shaped her into the lawyer she is now. Kasha recalled, “I remember entering the courtroom and noticing that I was the only woman there between the defense, prosecution, judge, and courtroom clerk, and I was also the youngest.” She fought back feelings of intimidation as she walked into that courtroom. But, as the trial began, she told herself “I am a Federal Defender, I know what I am doing, I have been trained by the best, and I am good at my job.” With these reminders, she pushed herself to be the best advocate. Kasha thinks about this trial often, remembering how far she has come and the resilience she summoned to navigate the hurdles. The highlights of Kasha’s career are not her “wins,” but the moments she connected with clients where she can see the impact of her work. “I often do not realize a memorable moment until I later see and appreciate the impact it had for the client and their family,” she said.


Federal Defenders of San Diego fuels her aspiration to help others while providing a strong, unique, and supportive community of colleagues. Kasha reminisces about the incredible leaders of her office. To name a few, Judy Clarke, who at thirty-one years of age became one of three women Executive Directors nationwide at the time; Mario Conte, who was the director when Kasha started at the office; and Ruben Cahn, who went on to become a national leader. These role models and many others embodied the traits of a successful criminal defense attorney: zealous client-centered advocacy, keen leadership, selflessness, and dedication to the work. The positive and supportive environment fostered at Federal Defenders has contributed to Kasha’s success and desire to become the Executive Director.

As the Executive Director of Federal Defenders, Kasha’s driving force of indigent client representation has taken on new forms beyond client-facing work. This includes leading and training attorneys in the office, advocating for budgets to ensure clients receive the best defense advocacy possible, working collaboratively with the Court and other stakeholders, and contributing nationally to the Federal Defender program. Kasha serves as faculty at various national programs including several trial-skills based programs hosted by the Office of Defender Services and the Federal Judiciary Center. Kasha is a member of Defender Services Advisory Group (DSAG), the Federal Defender representative for the national Committee on Criminal Law, and a member of the Ninth Circuit’s Opportunity and Equality Committee. Kasha remains passionate about the well renowned training program at Federal Defenders of San Diego. Kasha feels fortunate to be Executive Director of the organization that shaped her career while serving San Diego, the legal community that shaped her into the advocate and leader she is today. As Executive Director, Kasha hopes to find ways to continue to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion, both at Federal Defenders and within the larger community.


* Alexandra Wallin is a Public Relations Committee Member of the Federal Bar Association’s San Diego Chapter. She is a judicial law clerk for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.

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