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Video: State of District: Court Operations During COVID-19

Jennifer McCollough

Updated: Feb 22, 2021

On Friday, May 1, the FBA San Diego Chapter and the District Court held a virtual State of the District webinar on Zoom to address changing procedures during the COVID-19 Emergency.  Panelists included U.S. District Judge Dana M. Sabraw, Chief Magistrate Judge Barbara L. Major, Chief Bankruptcy Judge Margaret Mann, and Clerk of Court John Morrill.  The event was moderated by FBA Chapter President David P. Finn. The event was co-sponsored by Association of Business Trial Lawyers, California Lawyers Association-Litigation Division, Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association, Federal Bar Association-Los Angeles Chapter, Japanese American Bar Association, Pan Asian Lawyers of San Diego, San Diego Bankruptcy Forum, San Diego County Bar Association, and San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association.  The one-hour panel was attended by 745 people and the FBA is incredibly grateful to the Court for their time in providing some clarity on Court operations during this unprecedented time.  As noted, the current Orders signed by Chief Judge Larry Burns can be found here. 

As of the webinar, the latest Chief Judge Order is #25 requiring face coverings.  Judge Sabraw noted that jury trials and grand jury proceedings are currently suspended through May 16, but that may continue for another 30 days as that date approaches. 

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